Type the word, words, or phrase you want to find in the "Keywords" field on the Search page.
Search is not case sensitive if you type keywords only in lowercase or uppercase letters.
Search is case sensitive if you type both uppercase and lowercase letters.
Use the following tips to refine your search:
AND - For finding documents having both words. Type game AND sport to find documents with
both game and sport.
OR - For finding documents having either word. Type game OR sport to find documents with either the
word game or the word sport.
Space between words - For finding documents having either word. A space is the same as typing OR.
NOT - For finding documents containing the first word but not the second word.
" " - For finding documents containing a phrase or the exact order of the words. Type "Senator Kyl's bill"
to find documents with this exact phrase.
word* - For finding documents with words starting with the letters you type.
( ) - For "nesting" multiple words in a search, much like an equation. Type (Senator AND Kyl)
NOT bill to find documents with both the words Senator and Kyl, but not containing
the word bill.
The article summary will be included in the search results when the Include summary of each article box is checked.
If you don't want to bother with summaries, click the Include summary box to clear it.